
Auric expressions are energy patterns that reflect emotions, feelings and thoughts, as well as a person's current state. They arise as byproducts of the energy frequencies that a person produces. These subtle patterns shape the aura and provide insight into a person's energetic signature and inner state.

1) Clear - The absence of color symbolizes clarity, clear thoughts and transparency. Clear crystal, such as danburite and rock crystal, do not have their own frequency and serve as a medium for other vibrations without distinctive characteristics.

2) White - Represents high vibrating frequencies, found in stones such as Selenite Rod and Phenacite. It supports bone structure, aligns with all chakras and reflects pure energy from higher frequencies.

3) Purple - Symbolizes knowledge, especially spiritual. Deeper shades indicate greater depth and connect to the crown chakras. Purple, as in Amethyst, provides a medium frequency and calms the brain to access the extensive knowledge in the Source Field (Akashik Records).

4) Orange - Radiates an aura of happiness and joy, slightly longer in wavelength than purple. It has a smoothing effect and can improve mood. You can find this in Orange Calcite. Combine it with Bornite (chalcopyrite) for a more optimistic outlook on life.

5) Citrine - This clear yellow/orange aura has a higher vibration than orange and purple. It is excellent for cleansing the brain, similar to how real lemon yellow helps with cleansing processes. This encourages hyper-focused thinking. It is seen in many places such as the upper and middle crown chakras. It is also the auric expression of determination in the solar plexus. Lemon yellow stone, especially in raw form, has excellent cleaning properties.

6) Dark Blue - This is the frequency of affirmations as well as the pineal gland. In the human brain it is related to multidimensional vision and the strength of language. Deep blue is also the auric expression of strong determination. This is required to see multidimensionally through the pineal gland from within a physical body. Lapis lazuli and azurite are wonderful sources.

7) Light Blue - This is literally the auric expression of hope. Try using light blue and orange together to get a better feel. It is also slightly softer, comparable to the difference between Larimar stone and lapis lazuli. Larimar, Jasper light blue and turquoise have this property.

8) Yellow - This is the color of the solar plexus, usually associated with spirit core energy. She has strong endurance and relaxed, strong determination. Yellow Aventurine is a powerful source of this energy.

9) Ruby Purple Red - This is the natural aura of relaxed heart energy. He has strong but deeper endurance than Yellow. Its auric expression is a mix of deep purple and red, as found in most rubies and garnets.

10) Red - The color "fire engine red" comes from the frequency of strong and active love. Only the heart can create this aura. Red Aventurine is one of many sources of this frequency type.

11) Pink - It is associated with compassion, be it for individuals or everything. It originates primarily in the heart energy field, but is also part of the singular frequency that comes from the base energy field or base chakra. Rhodonite and rhodochrosite are good sources of this.

12) Light Green - This is the frequency of spiritual healing. It helps clear and heal the spirits in the body, very powerful. Green Aventurine has these frequencies in abundance.

13) Dark Green - Here is the auric expression of powerful physical healing. The heart produces this to take care of physical injuries. The more serious the need, the deeper the green. The Spirit Core Energy also contributes to this process. The energy frequency of a Dark Green Aura is a dense energy.

14) Beige - This is the auric expression of a more neutral and relaxing frequency. That's why it feels like this. The sand on the beach contributes to the relaxing frequencies there.

15) Brown - This auric expression is very similar to the frequency that the Beige Aura creates. It is a strong and relaxing but firm frequency, just as the brown ground is a strong base or foundation to build on. The floor feels the same when you walk on it. It is in all brown stones.

16) Thin Charcoal Gray/Black - This is another auric expression as it is not one but many. It is a collection of all the frequencies available to empower you for protection or aggression. It's something of a thin charcoal gray/black. The stronger the group of frequencies used, the darker it will become to do its job, especially when you need to be at your strongest.

17) Dark Black - It is strong and can be very aggressive, but it doesn't have to be. It is related to extreme anger or the condensation of personal power. It is found in black onyx.